August 26, 2013

Open Mouth Insert Foot

There is this phase in depression that is caused from low energy where what you say isn't what you mean. This tongue tied twister happens to everyone no matter if they have a mental set back or not. I use this knowledge by saying "Oops, I didn't mean that." The problem is when you have the problems topple on top of each other. And so, here is what is going on when someone with Bipolar is continually saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.

There is a time in the low swing where everything moves slower. You're walking, you're talking, and even your thinking is in a different speed. You know those movies where everything is going VERY slow? Yea, that is the head and the energy of this physical depression. What is biologically going on when "open mouth insert foot" is something like a cause and effect gone wrong. First, there is a conversation going on or you have something to say. Your brain is telling you what to say, and mouth opens to say what the brain is saying. Because your brain is going slower than normal, your mouth keeps moving and words come out that never were even meant or known why they were said. With the brain too busy trying to make a complete thought, there is no filter to stop these other rambling words or phrase from passing your lips. Once your brain has stopped processing the thought, it now has time to process what you said. Yep and then the brain says, "Oh fuck!" It now knows only one way to fix it, and that is to admit the stupidity.

So when we are among people, we must communicate. It is the reason we gather with each other, and why we love being with each other. Sharing thoughts, laughter, and feelings is all part of being in this society. Many of the times I seem to mess up the most is with friends, because I just want to be part of their lives. I am sure in times of my past this foot in mouth might have been the cause of many issues, some hurts, and some break ups. And at times, I have said sorry when I knew it happened. And there are times, I don't even know what happened. I just hope they know they were someone who touched my life. And that if it was from something I said, I always hope that they are able to forgive me since a sorry would have quickly been given. 

The poison of this situation is when someone strongly believes that there must have been some truth in what I was saying. Because they have a limited viewpoint, they can't see the honest limitation I had. Or see how truly sorry I was. I sadly can't change that, and can't blame them for feeling validated in their feelings. Sadly, I have lost friends for this also. 

For some time this summer, I have had this return of "foot in mouth". I want the friends this has affected to know THANK YOU!!!! It is always amazing in my life when friends don't need reasons for mess ups. They just want to know you are sorry and go on with life. You guys are amazing. 

As for now, I am hoping the new medication will help bring back my energy. I am ready for this slow motion movie to come to an end. 

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