July 8, 2013

When there is so much to say....

It has been sometime since there was a blog. It isn't from a lack of wanting to, but more that I am not sure where or what of the many things to say. There is the new medication, what it is like to date with bipolar, and the times when everyone hates you. But none of these subjects can I come to full comprehension. Not enough to complete a blog about it.

So I digress. At this time of life, it is like flying at the seat of my pants.  Not sure what the next day will bring. I either forget what I have planned, get too tired to do anything or have no ability to concentrate on the tasks to follow through. It is like losing my purpose in life or having the wind knocked out. I believe this is one of the ways manic looks like. It is that part of the roller coaster that scares me the most. Many bipolar people go off medication during this phase to ride the high. But instead, I cringe and hate the feeling of not being in control. I just know in the end... the higher I go up, the lower I fall. This isn't a fate a normal person would want.