People's character is created from a nature/nurture process that is either enforced or worked on through this thing we call life. Yes, life is the Teacher, the Sculptor, and at time our Judge. Our trials and errors are the lessons we learn. Our wins and joys are our victories. And when we had to deal with truths, we are the only ones who have the right answer. No how to book, personality quiz or big wig councilor will ever have the answers we seek in knowing ourselves.
But you do. We all do have the answers to the question of "Who are you?" We just have to stop long enough to listen to OURSELVES. Stop asking is this or that OK to a friend. Stop waiting to hear that significant other to tell you your worth. And as a mother of a teenager, save your self and stop waiting for that validation.
In the last couple weeks while still battling my fight in this dark depression, I have had to ask myself. Who am I? And then i think of my past, the friends I have and (thought it hard to see right now) the story of my life still yet untold.
One thing I know without a doubt. I am strong. When i was told it couldn't be done, I showed how it could be. When I was told to give up, I got back up. When I had nothing left in life, I still pulled myself up from the ashes and became strong again.
With that strength, came a strong sense of compassion. I have a wall around my heart that comes from letting the wrong people in. But even with that wall, I am able to hear someone's cry and heart beat. I can feel that with them and be there for them. I am there for them with an encouraging word, shoulder to cry on or to blow steam at. This type of caring is seen as weak in our world today. Sadly, I think we need more of it. We are a large world, but we all speak the same language when it comes to our hearts.
I love beauty of all forms. Be it in a piece of art or music, in the spring flowers blooming, or just watching my daughter grow into a mature woman. This who I am.
And for those who know my path, I am a goddess. I am the sweetness of the maiden, the strength of the mother and i have the wisdom of the crone. I am the passion of the lover and heart of the peace maker.
We know who we are when we stop and listen. I know who I am even if others see it differently. One thing I do know are those who stopped to listen to my heart, because they know me without ever asking "Who are you?"